Open Asia

ISSBS: International School for Social and Business Studies (Slovenia)

ISSBS is a dynamic private HEI located in Celje, Slovenia, founded in 2006, with approximately 500 students, delivering study programmes in the fields of economics, business and administrative sciences at all three levels of study (bachelor, masters and doctoral). Programmes are nationally and internationally accredited by the Slovenian, Austrian and Croatian Agencies for Quality Assurance and Accreditation.

The ISSBS’ internationalisation policy has consolidated and initiated relations with more than 40 HEI and research centres abroad encouraging professors and students to be more involved in European and international exchange programmes. Internationalization is not implemented only by the incoming and outgoing mobility programmes such as Erasmus+KA1, KA107, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs but also through inclusion of foreign experts and visiting professors in the delivery of study programmes, organization of LLL events in Slovenia or abroad (e.g. International Conference on quality and e- learning in education in Prishtina, Kosovo), promotional programmes of Slovenian research (with study visits in Thailand, Morocco, etc.) as well as involvement in the delivery and coordination of many domestic and international R&D and LLL projects such as 7th Framework Programme, the EACEA Tempus IV, EACEA Lifelong Learning Programme (e.g. EQF, Leonardo da Vinci), Fostering Knowledge Triangle Forum organized by Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chisinau; Learning Forum for Inspiration Economy organized by International Institut of Inspiration Economy, Kingdom of Bahrain, etc. In recent years, ISSBS has carried out three Jean Monnet projects: two Jean Monnet projects (KA1 Learning EU at School) which objectives of promoting education and LLL on the topics of European integration in schools, teachers’ training and raising public awareness on the issues related to the EU; and Jean Monnet Module “EU LAJF (Learning, Action, Job, Fun)” delivered as an elective course titled “Living in the EU: Unity in Diversity” for three consecutive academic years (2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16). Also, ISSBS is a member of many international and regional organisations such as EAIE, UNAI, Danube Excellence Consortium, etc. It has also been awarded the international HR Excellence in Research recognition and became one of national Euraxess contact points as well.

Institution annually organises international scientific conference MakeLearn with participants from over 40 countries, with editors’ panels with over 25 distinguished editors of international scientific journals, as well as research and publishing seminars delivered by respected international professors, etc. Together with partners from Poland and Thailand ISSBS established international publisher ToKnowPress focusing on the publishing of scientific monographs and series of scientific journals (e.g. IJMKL, IJSR). In recent years, ISSBS’s professors have taken over editorship of many international journals such as IJMIE, IJVCM, etc.

In the last few years, ISSBS has intensified cooperation with the University of Bari as well. In 2015, the University of Bari was the local co-ordonator of the Make Learn & TIIM “Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society”. Also, University of Bari established a new international scientific journal “International Journal of Law and Tax” in the context of ToKnowPress.

EPDRI: European Policy Development and Research Institute (Slovenia)

It is a not-for-profit organization, research institution, is of high value due to the wide experiences on policy development in higher education sector, Research and IT, building and maintaining networks of academic and research partners as well as on providing wide range expertise in Quality assurance in field of IT in education and Science. Ten years of experience in designing and coordination of Erasmus +CBHE projects.

TAU: Tampere University (Finland)

It is Finland’s second-largest university with over 21.500 students and 4000 staff members. Tampere University is a multidisciplinary, foundation-based University conducting scientific research in technology, health and society providing the highest education within these fields. University’s seven faculties award annually over 4000 degrees. In 2021 Tampere University was the university with the most applicants in Finland. In 2021, the total income of the university was 336 M€ of which 41 % was external R&I funding. TAU ranks fourth among all Finnish participants in Horizon Europe and H2020 funding. The university researcher community and support services have long experience on different national and international funding instruments including EU funding. TAU has an EU support team dealing with legal, financial and administrative issues. TAU has received the European Commission’s “HR Excellence in Research” award. TAU is also a member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), the European University alliance aimed at establishing open and inclusive collaboration and challenge-based education and research.

VU: The VU University Amsterdam (Netherlands) 

It is one of the leading research universities in Europe. Academic research and education at the Vrije Universiteit (Stichting VU) is characterized by a high level of ambition and encourages free and open communications and ideas. In 2020, Stichting VU hosted 29.796 students and 3.899 staff members, of which 1.588 scientific staff. Stichting VU comprises of 9 faculties, ranging from biomedical and sciences to humanities disciplines. Research is divided into four themes, reflecting a strong level of involvement in current societal issues: Human Health and Life Sciences, Science for Sustainability, Connected World, and Governance for Society. The total research output in 2020 translated to over 7.275 scientific publications, and 419 doctoral theses. The VU Institute for research on innovation and communication in the health and life sciences, is part of the Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (FALW). The VU Institute has wide expertise in studying and designing science-society interfaces to contribute to a robust understanding of social innovation; enrich science with increased societal legitimacy, research utilisation and societal awareness of how innovations may benefit the sustainability and equity of societies. Research at the VU Institute specifically focuses on the meaningful exchange of knowledge and expertise between scientific and non-scientific groups and the reflexive monitoring of such processes. VU developed the multi- stakeholder Interactive Learning and Action approach to Responsible Research and Innovation, which has been applied in fields such as medical biotechnology, ecological genomics, neurosciences, animal production, disease-specific health research.